
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Please don't take my sunshine away


We took a chance naming our third baby “Sonny” crossing our fingers that he would be at least even tempered if not a happy baby. From the moment he figured out how to smile, he has been living up to his name ten fold. Our little “Sonny Delight”, sweet vanilla “Sun-dae” the sunniest “Sonny Shine”. I’m serious this kid never stops smiling. But without the experience of a mouthful of teeth under his belt, could he wear that title with pride? 

When he turned one and had still only sprouted two tiny bottom tooth razors, we knew it was only the calm before the storm. We had to prepare for the inevitable. We needed a plan of attack. His top teeth were coming, and soon. Just our luck it would be all at once!

The first order of business was infant pain reliever (check). Cooling teething rings were out since he almost never puts things in his mouth. But this time with the help of BlogHer, we decided to give Baby Orajel® Naturals a shot. When I say “this time" I mean that in the past I’ve figured that putting a topical gel on a baby’s sore gums is like putting a band-aid on a shark bite. A waste of time?? Well we were about to find out…

Once the nose and drool started running like a faucet we knew we’d reached the point of no return. Those suckers were on their way. I started slathering that gel like it was nobody’s business. At first Sonny was a little taken back by the unfamiliar clove flavor (and other all natural ingredients). Not unlike Mr. Ed with peanut butter, he’d curiously flip his lips around and then carry on leaving a snail trail of snot/drool across every inch of my living room. He seemed to be fairing well with the discomfort, and I was pleased that we were staying one step ahead of his pain.

Then the fevers came. Now I can usually expect a pretty low grade fever it the event of a tooth debut, but it was during one all night baby freak out (at a temperature of 104 degrees) we knew were dealing with more than just new teeth. We were. Double ear infection. Needless to say Sonny was far from smiley.

Doctor appointment, antibiotics, yaddi yaddi yadda…we are back on track our faith restored in the effects of poor little ole Baby Orajel® Naturals (who stood no chance against the exorcism of a baby with two infected ears). And while it doesn’t claim to be a miracle gel, I think that Baby Orajel® Naturals has managed to take the edge off the insistent pains of Sonny’s aching gums. With one tooth down, and probably 5 (in the near future) to go, we have been able to keep our little Sonny Bear his typical smiley self (which is more than I can say for our other two children in their teething trenches).  It has quickly become a trusty side-kick to his bubble gum pain reliever, and proved to be a great cushion to extending the life of Sonny’s afternoon naps. 

Soothed gums= long naps = happy baby= happy momma (that’s me :)

Now here's where you come in! I'd love to know...

When it comes to teething, how do you naturally soothe your baby?

From May 16th – June 16th  share your soothing tips in a comment here and you could win a $100 Babies “r” Us gift card from BlogHer!

team Boo 's you

*giveaway closed*


Mami2jcn said...

I use teething rings & cold washcloths to soothe my teething baby.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Mami2jcn said...


mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Brittany said...

Pray that it ends soon. Get yourself a nice cold drink, hang out at home and tylenol. I like the gel too I will have to try the new stuff with the next one baby.

kristi said...

put teething rings in the freezer so that they are nice & cold on baby's gums!

Tracey said...

Cubes of frozen breastmilk!

Lauren said...

My baby is a mama's boy, so some cuddles with moi somehow helps ease those throbbing gums! When that wears off, I rely on tylenol and orajel. I want to try the natural kind now though!!

JC said...

Teething tablets and cold wash cloths work for us.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com

JC said...

Amy said...

I usually give my kids frozen fruit. It works well, just a little messy, that's all.

amy [at] utry [dot] it

MCantu1019 said...

Orajel and teething rings.

MCantu1019 at aol dot com

wigget said...

cold teething rings

Karina said...

frozen teething rings

karinaroselee at gmail dot com

susan1215 said...

My daughter found relief by sucking on a frozen wash cloth, a bagel and her teething ring

s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said...!/susan1215/status/71774176117145601

s2s2 at comcast dot net

Taylor K said...

I make fruit/vegetable puree popsicles for my teething triplets. It works really well. I also love babies and gift certificates and I am going to be an AUNTIE for the first time, so would love to use the $ to spoil my new niece or nephew. He/She is arriving in December.

Taylor K said...

I tweeted about it like a little birdie.!/BabyLoveDoula

Lissa Chandler said...

We use teething tablets over orajel, but mostly we give our little teething monster lots of hugs and baby massages and let him chew up a storm.

Also, we let him play with his toothbrush a lot. Weird? Yes. Chewable? Definitely.

Jessica said...

During "teething season" my little one nurses just a little more often, and always wears her amber teething necklace. The warmth of her skin releases the natural oils of the amber, which is supposed to soothe baby. And it's super cute :)

Jessica said...!/jbwhite8

jbwhite8 at yahoo dot com

kirsten said...

Get a washcloth damp, stick it in a baggie and freeze it. then let them gnaw on it. my fave tip. we did like the orajel, though!

naomigrace said...

I just give my LO anything to chew on... chew toys, chew necklaces, my fingers!

naomigrace said...

Blogged about giveaway contest!

Artsy Aut said...

my boys loved to chew on baby toothbrushes (supervised of course. I dont want a toothbrush getting jammed down their throat!) The chewing on the toothbrushes helped the tooth break through the gums. Worked like a charm

danni remender said...

Get yourself a cocktail, Sonny will survive.
danniabrit at gmail

Jennifer said...

cold fruit, and this natural teething medicine that i got at whole foods seems to work pretty good.

Mindy said...

Throwing a teething ring in the freezer is the best!

Anonymous said...

my first baby is on the way... so now I will be sure to have some baby orajel on hand when the time comes!!

Katie said...

I have tried lots of things, for babies that take binkies I would dip their binkie in ice water. They loved it! But mostly I just give them tylenol and wait until its over ;)

Christina said...

I used a wash cloth - one side you get wet and leave the other dry, then freeze. The baby can chew on the frozen part but hold the dry cloth so they can get teeth relief w/o cold hands!


RCWfamily said...

Orajel was a life saver!
cwhelan at williamwoods dot edu

Ariel said...

Hylands Teething Tablets and frozen washcloths are what got us through...and lots of Bob Marley.



K&J Dickson said...

I love these!

They are great for teething and for any mouth "boo boos"!


jdavissquared said...

I don't have any babies....yet, but I've heard of the whole frozen washcloth thing! Sounds good!

Amber Jessica said...

Otterpops. You cut just a tiny hole in the end, then they can't make such a huge mess but still get a little of the taste. My boys would chew on it for hours!

pirategirl @

Our Little Bubble said...

We used the Orajel on a stick thing (looked like a Q-tip) and rubbed it on. It worked pretty well for us.

{quixotic.elizabeth} said...

Teething rings and cold wash cloths are all I know. I have heard *lots* of advice from older lady friends (i.e. whats left of my grandmother's circle) that boils down to the same thing: alcohol. They swear that if you dip a wash cloth in bourbon, cool it, and then let your babe knaw/suck on it that the pain will ease away. I've never had the gusto to try is (i know, i know, i'm such a prude) but... i don't know. if you're desperate they say it works. (when asked about future alcohol problems though these ladies have no comment.)

Laura said...

One time, as a joke I put orajel around the rim of my little sister's water glass and watched her drink it. Then I watched her get really freaked out and then annoyed...

That has nothing to do with babies teething but I feel like it was worth it.

Brittany said...!/Brittasay.
I don't twitter very often so I hope I did it right. I feel like and 80 year old. Maybe I am technically challenged. Who knows. All I know is I need that gift card for this baby girl on the way!

Kira said...

I haven't had direct experience with teething yet. I'm in my 21st week of my first pregnancy. I will have to read through these comments and file them in my memory bank for later :)

sarah marie. said...

i have yet to find anything that works.

Becca said...

I don't hate babies or free stuff. For teething I used teething tablets and frozen washcloths and teething rings. And a lot of baby ibuprofin!

mmburdette22 said...

Currently, I use the mesh teething bags with frozen fruits and vegetables in it, but I might give orajel a try.

bologna hater said...

we did the frozen bagel thing...

but then our baby wanted cream cheese, as well. and then, after her palette got more refined, she demanded lox... and the bagel to be toasted... and a glass of freshly squeezed oj... and the wall street journal... in bed... promptly by 7am. she's now 3 and helps me day trade - though she demands a 10% service fee up front. and to be honest her picks haven't been preforming that great lately. so, in hindsight, maybe the frozen bagel idea wasn't that great... we should have stuck with snow-cones - then at least she'd have a shot at being a carnyie... he has the small hands for it.

Jennifer W said...

My daughter loved all her baby food cold. And my favorite was mashing up cold bananas and letting her chomp on them through one of those mesh bag things. She LOVED it! Hoping it will work on #2!

de Vere White Family said...

Baby Tylenol and chew toys!

Sabrina said...

I don't know how to soothe a teething baby, but I do have both a sister and sister-in-law due this summer that I would love to buy gifts for with thie $100!

Kelly said...

My boys have all been good teethers. (Is that a word?!)

They Hated the ice rings, or any thing cold in there mouth.

So Tylenol and The baby Oragel is what I used when they were REALLY fussy! And of course they had bibs on @ all times, so there shirts were not soaked with spit from all the drowling all day!

Good luck with the teething.

Unknown said...

I agree the mesh bags worked the best for me!

Natalie Moore said...

I wish something would work for my not so baby, more like a man-child, one year old boy! Orajel failed, teething rings were worse, tylenol helps, but the only thing that can distract my son long enough is my ice cream. Yes, we now eat LOTS of ice cream in this family!

Aly said...

My Little Guy loved chewing on mesh teething bags with frozen fruit inside. Made him feel much better!

The Tiny Team said...

We have some crazy raspberry, bumpy pacifier thing!

Erica said...

Paci to chew on and cold wash cloths seem to be the favorite!

lyndsey said...

cold wash cloths!

lyndsey dot hauck at gmail dot com

Helen Keeler said...

When my children were babies I used a cold wash cloth on the gums.

Dawn said...

I make a snow cone and flavor it with a little apple juice. It really helps with the pain.

S and K said...

well i don't like my odds anymore! :)
Thanks for going and saying something!
For teething (I don't look forward to it again at ALL) but anything cold and the good 'ol basic chew toys! And Tylenol on a regiment and teething tablets (but they don't make those anymore so now I'm bummed!)
But the $100 gift card might just cheer me up! :)
kamikennedy at yahoo dot com
(so much funner to type it that way!)

Jessica Havican said...

Sometimes it seems like the only thing that brought my baby comfort was the baby oragel! Love this stuff!

Anonymous said...

Tie a know in the middle of a wet washcloth and freeze it for an hour. It does wonders!

kelly said...

how about those amber teething necklaces. i've actually never tried them, but was always curious about their magic natural powers(?)

i have done the washcloth thing too, but it usually just ends up with a wet baby smelling musty.

Sarah G. said...

Cold teething toys

reveilletx said...

When my daughter was a baby I used Baby Orajel and teething rings from the freezer. There was a LOT of pampering and being held too. Now she is going to be having her first baby and we are thrilled!

reveilletx said...

I tweeted about your contest!/reveilletx/status/75331339972390912

Lisa Weidknecht said...

I used a frozen washcloth for my babies.

beth. said...

I liked to give small bites of frozen watermelon...and since summer is coming...this should be easy to do.

Teething tablets also made me feel better... I don't know if they actually worked...

Stephanie said...

I used cold, soft things and washcloths
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

A chilled teething ring will work.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I used orajel with great success! Or, a cold washcloth is the more natural way that seems to have good resutls.

coliebear said...

My son liked to chew on a cloth booboo bunny filled with ice chips.

Unknown said...

My sister gave me a mesh pouch she used with her children - you put frozen fruit inside of it and the child can chew on that while they teeth.

My son isn't teething just yet but we have a feeling he's getting close!


Scott said...

Our pediatrician advised us to use frozen bagels.
It really works.

Scott Martin

buzzd said...

We use a soothing ring that you freeze and let them chew on

Princess Golden Hair said...

a cold baby washcloth works well for our boys

teechbiz at gmail dot com

Denise S. said...

I've used teething rings or frozen washcloths.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com

Mysharona said...

a frozen washcloth does wonders.

Unknown said...

I have always used a frozen washcloth with my baby. I usually end up just trying to cuddle them alot more also. Mommy's love always helps a little haha!

Aly at infertilityoverachievers dot com

Tina said...

We use teething tablets and It works great

Tina said...!/HappyTina0115/status/77392738244497408

sweetsue said...

I freeze rubber teething toys and give them to a teething baby to chew on.
smchester at gmail dot com

ms-texas said...

it's been a really long time for me but i remember using a teething ring


ms-texas said...

i tweeted here:


Unknown said...

That is the cutest picture ever, love the little teeth poking through!!
I used to use the natural teething tablets with my older children, but after a bunch were recalled that was that. Of course, frozen damp washclothes are great. And I give my baby peeled carrots to gum - she loves the flavor and they are cold and hard so they feel good on the gums!

Unknown said...

I tweeted!!/tinymansmom/status/77799779517726720


kellyr78 said...

I keep cold teethers (rubber, gel filled) in the fridge for when their pain acts up.

kellyr78 said...


miriama said...

Frozen washcloths always worked for us.

Dana Richards said...

Well I don't have a baby yet, but my bestie is having one this month and I would love to spoil her with that gift card! Does it count that I use orajel for my own tooth aches? Works like a charm!

Renee said...

I got my wisdom teeth at the same time my first started teething, so the sympathy was STRONG. Since I couldn't give her any of my vicodin, and because I always got the willies when my kids would suck on wet washcloths so that popular trick never worked for me. we settled for tylenol and a trip to Disneyland (not kidding).

Dreamweaver Braids said...

With 4 kids, I've done several things. With Hope, it was all natural stuff. Basically I used baby melt-in-mouth camomille and teething tablets. Same with Grace, but to no avail. Had to use orajel with her and my A1. Not surprisingly, my baby boy never complained about anything. Still doesn't, so didn't need anything other than Tylenol for the fevers with him. That sums it up. Just found your blog (finally) and LOVE it! Still figuring out twitter, so no tweets, sorry.

Tabathia B said...

I have used cold teethers and Hyland’s Teething Tablets
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Summer said...

My first baby got all the natural home remedies. The lavender teething tablets and warm baths were used often and seemed to help the nap happen. Of course the frozen teething toys while watching a baby Einstein helped distract from the pain.
Second baby got tylonol, orejel swabs, frozen toys....But once his mouth was a bit numbed, he just wanted to chew on Sophie the Giraffe's face.

Verdict: tylonol + orejel + Giraffe = A happier Babe

DeluxeDesigns said...

It's been a couple of years since I had teething babies and all I remember is Oragel and letting them gnaw on my fingers. =)

DeluxeDesigns said...

Oops! Last post was from jolleenhansen(at)gmail(dot)com

Nicole said...

POPSICLES...they're a fix all at our house. and while you're probably thinking i should win a mother of the year award i have to put it out there that i was given this advice from my pediatrician. i was too aprehensive to give my first baby popsicles at 7 months but by baby number 3 all bets were off and he sucked down that sugary goodness and loved every second of it. otherwise alternating tylenol and ibuprofen has faired well for us.

nrrobbins at gmail dot com

Colleen said...

It may be a bit of an identity crisis for Sonny, but have him wear a necklace made of amber beads. It's a natural analgesic that will keep that sweet boy hopefully a little calmer and in a little less pain while teething.

Tracy Haws said...

Pretty sure I'm the worst mom around these parts because I don't do anything. Maybe a little tylenol if they spike a fever but mostly I just hold em' and give em' their paci.

Tracy Haws said...

Blog post ;)

meghana said...

We use a cool wash cloth and baby orajel when the little guy is teething.

Alexis said...

Not only do I use the baby orajel but I figured out that a really cold or partly frozen washcloth really helps to soothe my teething baby boy. I have a 3 year old girl that I always used baby orajel on.

Jolene said...

frozen washcloths worked awesome for us

carla thorup said...

i hear a nice cold pickle works pretty good (since they can usually gnaw at it without breaking the surface.)

Emily Love said...

I don't have kids... yet. But my grandma always says to use a cold wash cloth and teething rings. My mom uses baby orajel like it's going outta style.

abby said...

i think i went uber-natural and did nothing? well, or probably lots of pacifier sucking.

leigh hewett said...

I always let my little ones chew on a cold washcloth that's been chilling in the fridge.

It seemed to work for my little boos.

Jennifer Neal said...

Cold washcloths here! Works for us :)

Ammon said...

A nice big bolt. Yup, the metal kind with thick sharp threads. At least that was what was used by folks in the Ozarks.

We use a big cold pickle. Our 8 mos. old is doing great with a Klausen.

Where my hundred dollar at?!

Mead said...

I had no idea about the frozen washcloth trick either..I guess we live on the same clueless planet! We have found that healthy times teething biscuits work well for our twins. We also freeze fruit and make fruit pops and that seems to be working well too....probably just freezing their little gums into total numbness, but at least they are not in pain!

cecilia said...

My 10 month baby seemed to like the razberry pacifier teething item I bought her. She also loved sucking on cold wash clothes and cold pieces of fruit. I didn't want to use oralgel or hylands because I found some negitive readings about these items so I tried something I found on another baby blog that is sold at whole foods. Camilia by Boiron, a homeopathic remedy. My baby also like biting down on cold cold plastic baby

Unknown said...

Teething rings..


GFC Follower

ConnieB said...

I've heard DON'T use Orajel!
Some place called the FDA or something...

Maybe now this takes me out of the running, seeing is I'm opposed to the very company sponsoring it. haha!
Anyways with my first he didn't want to chew or suck on anything so I massaged his gums- and it seemed to help. My 2nd is just barely getting there. He chews on teething rings.

teamBoo said...


That is the beauty of this new kind of Orajel...its benzocaine free, alcohol free AND dye free. It uses natural ingredients!

Unknown said...

No secret here, Orajel had save me and my children many years ago. A lot of patience and hugging too.

gmissycat at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Tweeted here too!/gmissycat/status/79508471808147456

gmissycat at yahoo dot com

Terri said...

I have to add myself to that small list of moms who hadn't heard of using frozen washcloths. We did have frozen teethers and regular Orajel, though. I'm looking forward to the new Orajel since it sounds great. Thanks!
tmp95 at comcast dot net

Terri said...

Tweet -!/dahbou/status/79591151706980352
tmp95 at comcast dot net

Dee said...

chilled teeth rings worked for us! i never heard of the washcloth trick but will check it out :)

deeg131 at gmail dot com

Dee said...


deeg131 at gmail dot com

clynsg said...

I used refrigerator chilled teething rings, and they seemed to help a lot.

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

sodahoney said...

I had teething ring that you put in the freezer. The cold seemed to soothe

Kerry said...

Teething is so tough! Teething rings always worked best with my kids.

Kerry said...


Hobbie said...

I like to use an ice cube wrapped in a wash cloth (tied closed with a rubber band) that way they gum the ice cube but can hold the washcloth without freezing their (or your) hands.
Also they have vibrating teething rings....yes you read right:) they look like a rasberry or grapes and they vibrate when 'little' chews on it.
Between those 2 things and a bit of baby orajel Harrison made it through teething so far.
Also, after 6 months old, a little trick is to use Motrin when its at its worst. It really helped with the first molars

Chip said...

Cold wet rags seemed to be helpful to chew on. Also as they get older, frozen peas are good to chew on (of course they have to be older).

Chip said...


Unknown said...

frozen washclothes
Awesome contest! Thanks a ton! Janna Johnson

Jodi said...

I tried using frozen teething rings, wash cloths that were damp and put in the freezer. I also used frozen bagels for a snack and some numbing relief, a nice cold drink (oh wait that was for me not the baby lol)


Julieh said...

I freeze teething rings. honeypie411 at yahoo dot com

Melanie said...

My baby just started teething, and so far the frozen teething rings work well.

melduke26 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I like to give them a wet wash cloth that has been placed in the fridge. I tie a knot in one corner to give them something to gnaw on.


April said...

I use the frozen teething rings to help her.

Stacy said...

We just use a frozen washcloth as a natural teether.

the imagine tree at aol dot com

Giant Sis said...

wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom

Giant Sis said...

We've used frozen bananas - it soothes and gives a small snack. Just remember to peel BEFORE you freeze!
wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom

AEKZ2 said...

Chewing on a cold washcloth has worked for us.

Anonymous said...

Frozen washcloths work wonders!

Holly Miller

wizardewu said...

I use a frozen wash cloth.

eugeniewu at gmail dot com

Howell said...

I used cold teething rings.

hlee99 (at) gmail (dot) com

wizardewu said...

I use a frozen wash cloth.

eugeniewu at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Cold teething rings work great!
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...

I used to give my daughter a frozen wash cloth to chew on

itsjustme62613 at

Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...


itsjustme62613 at

Erica C. said...

We use teething rings and lots of distractions!

AmyLynn said...

The frozen washcloth method and chilling those water filled teethers in the refrigerator. Thanks!

dandmrobbins said...

My son is 4 months old and I think about ready t teeth- so I'm looking for advice to soothe his teething pain which I know will be coming.

heatherzilla said...

Riley likes teething rings and Popsicles.

heatherzilla said...


Unknown said...

We use teething rings. I remeber Mom telling me that she gave me cooked salt pork to gnaw on when I was a kiddo…trinitygsd at yahoo do tocm

susansmoaks said...

i use a frozen wash cloth to naturally sooth our teething baby
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

susansmoaks said...!/fdp4life/status/81368779258474497

susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Sonya Cocherell said...

We used frozen peaches. They took a while for Gracie to eat and they felt good on her gums.

Jennifer (Double Duty Mommy) said...

teething rings, sometimes a cold washcloth. but really only traminic helps us :/

(dont mind my sign in name... blogger wont let me log in correctly. please email the address I just listed if I win :) thanks)

Jennifer (Double Duty Mommy) said...

I tweeted

(dont mind my sign in name... blogger wont let me log in correctly. please email the address I just listed if I win :) thanks) said...

With a homemade juice popsicle
Diane Baum

kakihara said...

A wet washcloth in the freezer--works wonders it freezer really quickly but we used to keep one or two in the freezer at all times--just damp

Deadmonkeys90 said...

i use teething rings and popsicles

Nancy said...

I used a chilled teething ring, but there is a lot of interesting ideas listed here to try out.

Crystal F said...

We use to let our girls chew on a freezy pop. thank you!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

We found that a little olive oil on their gums helped

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Anonymous said...

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Betty C said...

Cold teething rings work well for the first teeth but for molars I needed something better so we used cold wet wash cloths.

angie lilly said...

I don't actually have any kids, but I know my mom used to use a bag of crushed ice in a zippy that she made out of terry cloth.
14earth at gmail dot com

angie lilly said...

I tweeted here:!/FotoMacro/status/81448650236116992
14earth at gmail dot com

Kelly Massman said...

I've used a frozen washcloth...
Thanks for a chance to win!

Sunnymay said...

My soothers were knowing that this too will pass and being prepared. Keeping calm myself was a big part, because it takes awhile for the child's nap and rejuvenation to occur, mainly because they get tired out. I found good music helped both of us along with rocking or going for a car ride.

Sand said...

The teething ring was very helpful during this time!

Mari said...

My parents used orajel with me, and I have used it successfully with my niece and the babies I've fostered.

runningmatey at hotmail dot com
