It's a nationwide epidemic, and it needs to be stopped (grandmas are you listening?). Like some urban mommy snobfest, we didn't want to have to register for our baby shower, but you've almost forced our hand (although, rest assured, we still won't be teaching our kids sign language...phew!)
Character clothing must be destroyed. I can't bring myself to buy tinker bell overalls for my daughter any more than i can line the back of my car window with neon carnival teddy bears...i just won't do it. There are just too many cute things out there (and someday i just may be able to buy a few of them). Until then, our family will stick to our uber conservative daily attire of pajamas, diapers and costumes.
*Clearly there is more to life than buying cute overpriced clothes, but it doesn't hurt to browse. So check out Nonchalant mom for more adorable geddups.
**(and keep Dora on your TV for heavens sake)
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